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Social Impact Investing

Powerhouse has created a legal framework which engages in Cause-Related Marketing (CRM) campaigns – a charitable commercial co-venture social-impact investment vehicle that benefits its Charity co-venture partners, the under-served markets / communities and the Company, financially, ensuring high standards put in place by its founding entrepreneur.

As an adjunct commercial effort, the Company has developed a new investment vehicle linking social causes to profitable financial returns. First used in 1983 by American Express, PEG, with its experience and vision, is transforming and refining CRM innovation and will use it to enter urban communities, where its inhabitants, including industrialists, have a desire to contribute to social causes.

To develop additional revenue streams and to solidify its reputation and “trust” among the urban communities, the Company will initiate Commercial Co-Venture / Cause Related Marketing (“CRM”) Programs, and will partner with charities.


Company is committed to improving the lives of children and teens by supporting initiatives focused on issues affecting the community, e.g., police relations, drug abuse, gun laws, etc.. Through our cause-related marketing / commercial co-venture model, Powerhouse is using the power of film and music to provide a world of opportunity for children in the United States and internationally to bridge the gap on important issues and actually co-write, direct and produce films which speak to contemporary hot topics.  Our first CRM campaign is planned to benefit Variety International, the Children’s Charity and take place in the 3rd quarter of 2018.

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